
Monday, March 28, 2011

Crystal Head!

Ok! So I posted images of a steel crystal a while back, which resulted in my first metals project, the concept being a wall, and the produce being a cluster of crystals. Unfortunately that project lacked a lot of ME, meaning, my aesthetic, and I really didn't want to lose the crystal form so I decided to try to engage my aesthetic into these objects.

In my previous post about the altered book, there is an image of a crystal head. When beginning this metals project, the concept this time needing to relate to tower, I looked back to the image created in my altered book and decided to turn my crystal structures into crystal masks. I adopted the body suit used by my rock heads and created this piece of wearable, sculptural art!

There was a performance involved, related to a mythology I created about the crystal heads.

The mythology describes the crystal heads as underground dwellers who fantasize about what exists above their caves. They imagine themselves at the bottom of a tower of layers, and decide to explore the worlds above them. They dig through many different layers and eventually reach the surface of the Earth.

However, the crystal heads don't realize that the surface of the Earth is the last accessible layer; they look up and believe the next attainable layer is the blue layer above (the sky). Seeing the next layer above them, the crystal heads climb trees, mountains, and buildings, trying to reach the blue layer.

Eventually the crystal heads are defeated by gravity and many of them fall from their peeks and die on their impacts into earth's surface.

The tower desired by the rock heads suggests the undefined tower. While most towers are expected to have a peek, the idea of the undefined tower reflects the perception of the tower's audience. To us, the surface of the Earth would be the peek of the tower for the crystal heads, however without knowing the limitations of Earth, the crystal heads believed there to be more layers and a peek beyond the surface. And in their own sense it's true; there are layers beyond Earth's surface, but those layers are dependent on the viewer to be defined.

The perfornace was really silly. I'll try to upload the bit of video I have from it tomorrow night. For now, enjoy all these images I have!

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